How Do You Prepare Mangosteen Sticky Rice, The Thai Dessert With A Unique Tropical Flavor?

Mangosteen Sticky Rice is a delightful Thai dessert that boasts a distinct tropical flavor, perfect for satisfying your sweet cravings. But just how do you prepare this mouthwatering treat? In this article, we’ll uncover the secrets to crafting the perfect Mangosteen Sticky Rice, from selecting the freshest mangosteens to achieving that perfect sticky texture. Get ready to indulge in a taste of Thailand’s culinary paradise!

Preparing the Sticky Rice

Sticky rice, also known as glutinous rice, is a staple in many Southeast Asian cuisines, especially in Thai desserts. To ensure that your Mangosteen Sticky Rice turns out perfectly, it is important to follow the right preparation steps.

Choosing the right type of rice

The first step in preparing sticky rice is selecting the right type of rice. Glutinous rice, which can be found in most Asian grocery stores, is the best choice for this dessert. Its sticky and chewy texture is what gives the dish its characteristic mouthfeel.

Soaking the rice

After choosing the rice, the next step is to soak it. Place the rice in a large bowl and cover it with water. Let it soak for at least 4 hours or overnight. Soaking the rice helps to soften it and allows for even cooking.

Draining and rinsing the rice

Once the rice has soaked, drain it using a colander or strainer. Rinse it with cold water to remove any excess starch. This step is important as it helps prevent the rice from becoming too sticky and mushy.

Steaming the rice

To cook the sticky rice, you will need a steamer. Place the soaked and rinsed rice in a steaming basket lined with cheesecloth. Make sure the water in the steamer is boiling and steam the rice for about 25-30 minutes. Check for doneness by pressing a grain between your fingers. It should be tender and sticky.

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Preparing the Mangosteen

Mangosteens are a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia known for their sweet and tangy flavor. They are a perfect complement to the sticky rice, adding a refreshing element to the dessert.

Selecting ripe mangosteens

When choosing mangosteens, look for fruit with a deep purple color and no soft spots. The rind should be firm and glossy. Avoid fruits with greenish or brown patches, as they may indicate overripeness or spoilage.

Peeling the mangosteens

To peel the mangosteens, start by using a sharp knife to make an incision around the circumference of the fruit, being careful not to cut too deep. Gently twist the fruit to separate the peel into two halves. Remove the peel and discard it. Be cautious as the purple juice from the fruit can easily stain.

Removing the seeds

Mangosteens contain several seeds, which need to be removed before adding the fruit to the sticky rice. Cut through the flesh along the lines dividing the fruit into segments. Twist the fruit gently to open it, revealing the edible flesh. Use a small spoon or your fingers to carefully remove the seeds, making sure to keep the fruit intact.

How Do You Prepare Mangosteen Sticky Rice, The Thai Dessert With A Unique Tropical Flavor?

Preparing the Coconut Cream

Coconut cream is the luxurious and velvety component that adds richness to the dessert. It is essential to prepare it properly to achieve the desired creamy texture.

Extracting coconut milk

To extract coconut milk, you can either use fresh coconuts or buy canned coconut milk. If using fresh coconuts, grate the flesh and gather the grated coconut in a cheesecloth. Squeeze the cheesecloth to extract the milk. If using canned coconut milk, give it a good shake before use.

Preparing the coconut cream

To prepare the coconut cream, refrigerate the coconut milk overnight. The cream will separate from the liquid and rise to the top. Carefully spoon out the thick coconut cream, leaving the liquid behind. This cream will be used to enhance the flavor and texture of the sticky rice.

Separating coconut cream from milk

If you prefer a lighter version of the dessert, you can separate the coconut cream from the milk by refrigerating the freshly extracted coconut milk for a few hours. The cream will rise to the top, and you can skim it off using a spoon.

Cooking the Sticky Rice

Now that the rice, mangosteens, and coconut cream are prepared, it’s time to bring everything together and cook the sticky rice.

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Adding the coconut cream

In a saucepan, combine the steamed sticky rice and the coconut cream. Gently fold the two together until the rice is well coated with the cream. The coconut cream adds a luxurious richness and aromatic flavor to the rice.

Steaming the mixture

Once the sticky rice and coconut cream are combined, transfer them to a steaming basket lined with cheesecloth. Steam the mixture for an additional 10-15 minutes. This step helps to infuse the flavors and ensure that the rice is thoroughly cooked.

Seasoning with salt and sugar

While the sticky rice is steaming, it’s important to season it with a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of sugar. The salt enhances the flavors and balances the sweetness, while the sugar adds a subtle hint of sweetness to the rice. The amount of salt and sugar can be adjusted based on personal preference.

How Do You Prepare Mangosteen Sticky Rice, The Thai Dessert With A Unique Tropical Flavor?

Serving the Mangosteen Sticky Rice

Now that the sticky rice is cooked to perfection, it’s time to plate the dessert and prepare it for serving.

Plating the sticky rice

Using a spoon or an ice cream scoop, carefully portion the sticky rice onto individual serving plates. The sticky rice should be mounded to create an enticing visual appeal.

Adding the mangosteen

Place the peeled and deseeded mangosteen segments on top of the sticky rice. The vibrant purple fruit adds a burst of color and a delightful tanginess to the dessert.

Garnishing with additional toppings

For an extra touch of elegance, you can garnish the dessert with additional toppings such as toasted coconut flakes, crushed peanuts, or sesame seeds. These toppings add texture and visual appeal to the dish.

Variations of Mangosteen Sticky Rice

While the classic combination of sticky rice and mangosteen is delicious on its own, there are endless variations and additions you can explore to customize the dessert to your liking.

Adding mango slices

For a tropical twist, you can add fresh mango slices to the sticky rice. The juicy and sweet mango complements the tanginess of the mangosteen, creating a delightful fusion of flavors.

Incorporating other tropical fruits

Feel free to experiment with other tropical fruits such as pineapple, papaya, or passion fruit. These fruits can add different textures and flavors to the dessert, making it even more exciting and refreshing.

Experimenting with different toppings

In addition to the traditional toppings, you can get creative and experiment with different toppings to add your own personal touch. Consider using crushed coconut cookies, caramelized bananas, or even a drizzle of chocolate sauce.

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How Do You Prepare Mangosteen Sticky Rice, The Thai Dessert With A Unique Tropical Flavor?

Tips and Tricks

To ensure your Mangosteen Sticky Rice turns out perfect every time, here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind:

Using glutinous rice

Glutinous rice, also known as sticky rice, is the key ingredient in this dessert. Ordinary rice cannot substitute for glutinous rice, as it lacks the sticky texture that gives the dessert its unique character.

Soaking the rice overnight for better texture

Soaking the rice overnight allows it to fully absorb the water, resulting in a softer and more even texture. If you are short on time, soaking for at least 4 hours is the minimum recommended time.

Adding pandan leaves for aroma

For an extra aromatic touch, you can add pandan leaves to the rice while it is steaming. Pandan leaves infuse the rice with a delightful fragrance that complements the other flavors in the dessert.

Adjusting the sweetness

The level of sweetness in the dessert can be adjusted to suit your preference. If you prefer a sweeter dessert, increase the amount of sugar added to the sticky rice. Conversely, if you prefer a less sweet dessert, reduce the sugar or omit it altogether.

Health Benefits of Mangosteen Sticky Rice

In addition to its delicious taste, Mangosteen Sticky Rice offers several health benefits thanks to its nutritious ingredients.

Nutritional value of mangosteen

Mangosteens are low in calories and rich in fiber, making them a healthy addition to your diet. They are also a good source of vitamin C, which can boost your immune system and support overall health.

Benefits of sticky rice

Sticky rice is a gluten-free grain that is easily digestible and provides a good source of energy. It is rich in essential amino acids and contains iron, magnesium, and potassium. Additionally, it is free from cholesterol and low in fat.

Potential antioxidant properties

Both mangosteens and coconut contain antioxidants that can help fight against free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are known for their potential health benefits, including reducing inflammation and protecting against chronic diseases.

How Do You Prepare Mangosteen Sticky Rice, The Thai Dessert With A Unique Tropical Flavor?

Cultural Significance of Mangosteen Sticky Rice

Mangosteen Sticky Rice is a traditional Thai dessert that holds a special place in Thai culture. It is often served during significant celebrations and special occasions.

Traditional Thai dessert

Mangosteen Sticky Rice, known as “Khao Niew Mamuang” in Thai, is a beloved dessert that reflects the rich culinary heritage of Thailand. It is deeply ingrained in Thai culture and is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Special occasions and celebrations

In Thailand, Mangosteen Sticky Rice is often served during festivals, weddings, and other special events. It is seen as a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and good luck. Sharing this dessert with loved ones is a way to celebrate and create lasting memories.

Symbolism of ingredients

The ingredients used in Mangosteen Sticky Rice also hold symbolic meaning. Mangosteens are considered the “queen of fruits” in Southeast Asia, representing beauty and abundance. Sticky rice symbolizes unity and togetherness, as it is often eaten by hand and shared among family and friends.


Preparing Mangosteen Sticky Rice, the Thai dessert with a unique tropical flavor, requires attention to detail and a few simple steps. By following the right techniques, you can create a delicious and visually appealing dessert that will impress your guests and bring a taste of Thailand to any occasion. So go ahead, gather the ingredients, and embark on a culinary journey to experience the irresistible combination of sticky rice, sweet mangosteens, and creamy coconut flavors. Enjoy!

How Do You Prepare Mangosteen Sticky Rice, The Thai Dessert With A Unique Tropical Flavor?